
Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
35 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
A few hours earlier...
Two persons were standing at the beach, towards the sea.
"You are aware how important this mission is, aren't you? Failure is no option"
"I know, Sir. Hence you will be send and not some common soldier. This mission is dangerous, though, and I would feel assured if you would take some guards with you..."
"Eden! We had this subject already and you agreed that the citizens of the Dukedom are no match for me. And you don't want to suggest that mere raiders could compete with a former Godwin's High Commander, do you?" Although his words suggested something different, both men were smiling. "Go back, Eden, and instruct our soldiers"
"Lord Vader, you have the memos I made? My time in the Dukedom of Gaien and my research wasn't wasted when it helps you to do what's required. I have information about the hierarchy, about the local traditions and, of course, about people, who would gladly help a Falenan and especially a Godwin if that's what is necessary."

Both men started to walk as if they'd received a signal. The approached a beautiful, but at the same time strong, vessel.
"Sir, what about the Barows?"
"I am not worried, that you can handle these affairs. Otherwise it would mean I have chosen badly."
"No, you can trust me. Everything will be going forth as you planned."
"Good... Now, farewell, Eden. You know how we will stay in contact?"
"Yes, I will report to you as soon as something happens."
Lord Vader turned around to the man who became the new High Commander and held his shoulders with both hands. "You know, that this wasn't what I meant. I don't distrust you for a single second. Now... Go. Go and do as you should."

Eden bowed and left his old superior and friend, who waited a moment and watched Eden mounting his horse and storming away.

"Good luck, Fool. You may need it..."


The former High Commander, Lord Vader, entered the vessel and greeted the Captain. He was, as the whole crew, a loyal Falenan citizen, but even he hasn't been instructed about more than their destination. Actually, only four people knew about the mission and one of them was at this moment leaving the Queendom. Vader stared absentmindedly at the beach, which they left a few minutes ago. The crew didn't disturb him, because a man like him was always be left alone if he wants to.

Lord Vader was recapitulating, what has been told him only a few days ago. His mission was to gather intelligence about the source of rebel activities coming from Gaien.The rumors said, that the Anti-Queen Nobles left the Queendom in order to regain their strength. As only Lord Vader knew and which wasn't even told the Royals, Eden moved to the Dukedom because of this events. Since it was Eden, who made the rebels retreat the last time, his superior sent him after those men and women, who work against the queen. Vader knew what he asked for, but Eden left nonetheless immediately. He managed to get into a position of some minor influence over politics, but fortunately he was able to get in contact with citizens of the Dukedom, who would be useful under many circumstances.

The queen, who became also aware of the rebel's actions, agreed with her commander, Lord Daniel Blackhand, who suggested to send a trustful member of the queendom. They also agreed, that only Lord Vader, the respected leader of the Godwin faction, could be the one. Lord Vader knew he couldn't refuse to go, or even tell them about his instructions for Eden, because this was a step the Falenan politics would make look very unwise. However, Lord Vader's mission would decapitate the Godwin faction and he decided to sent a note to Eden, with the order to come back as soon as possible. Of course, Eden came back as soon as the ship could sail. Due to the long journey, the High Commander and his Second in Command had only a few days before the head of the Godwin faction had to leave. They sorted out all necessary things. Eden was appointed at first officially as Second in Command, although he informally never left that post, and later the new High Commander. The two men were sure, that the Godwin's were weakened, not only because of Vader's absence, but also due to Eden's position as returning man. It would not be easy to convince the Queen and Daniel Blackhand to trust him again, but it would be imminent for the future of the Godwins.

Lord Vader straightened himself and sighed. He realised how difficult the future may be for him, the Godwin and the whole Queendom. He hoped Eden's contact would be as useful as promised.


The ship landed in Valignano, a beautiful port region, that is the home for many exiled Falenans and INF citizens and holiday residence for a lot of wealthy citizens of many different nations. There were no welcome committee, because no official from from the Dukedom knew about Lord Vader's arrival. That was exactly as he wanted it. Lord Vader left the ship undiscovered and looked around. This place was lively and Valignano's climate was pleasureful and one reason for most people to come to this city when they need a vacation. According to Eden's plans, somewhere near the middle of the town was a pub called 'The rotten Head'. The story about the origin of this tasteless name was as obscure as many of the oldest local tales, which his Second in Command has written down in a paper he gave him before the beginning of the journey. Vader asked one of the merchants, who were standing in the streets and praising their warm coats or delicious fruits or sharp weapons, where this place was and he received an answer together with an interested look. He walked half an hour until he reached a shabby street with some strange people hanging about. Although the day wasn't over yet and dusk would have had to wait some time longer, this street was pretty dark and unwelcoming. The only light came from the entrance of one house. Over the small door hung a sing, which displayed a rotten head without eyes and an open mouth from which a little snake tried to escape. Lord Vader entered the building and was almost pushed back immediately, because two men were wrestling with each other.

He passed them and took a look around in the pub and saw half a dozen tables loaded by plates of food and surrounded by several weird men and almost naked women. Only one table was separated. One single person sat there with the face towards the door. That person wore a hood, that hid the face, but Vader knew instinctively that this was the man he was searching for. When he approached the table, he got a glance, but no greetings aside from a nod. He took a seat and leaned over a bit.
"I think we got a common friend..."
A old, somehow unusual voice answered him. It was definitely a manly voice, which was laughing silently. "Yes, I guess so. Our friend told me when you would come, but still I am waiting for some hours now..."
"Don't worry, it's fine. I would have been here no matter what, so waiting was not much to ask me for. However, answer me this: Describe our friend's pet in one word!"
"One word? Naked." Both men laughed in understanding and the mysterious man stood up and showed Vader a door which led to another, smaller room.


Eden folded the paper he just read. He sighed and leaned back in the chair, that typically belonged to the Godwin High Commander. He looked to the huge bird that brought this note and sipped at the drink he had every night since Lord Vader's leaving. He unfolded the piece of paper again and skipped the beginning.

...and so he led me to a small room in the back. It was shabby as the whole pub, but a lot quieter. Obviously he knew that this room was secure and no-one could hear what would be said inside. Finally he gave away his identity. You are aware that we should not let our guard down, since we can't know who might intercept this message. But let me say that your friend is exactly as I imagined him after your description. If that man is typical for the Dukedom, they will be a more unintelligible danger than we ever anticipated. Behind the facade of a crazy old geezer lies a cunning man. It seems he doesn't know as much about the politics than I could have hoped, but he knows more about the citizens than any other possible informant. However, your friend was able to tell me some persons and places I should visit. He knows something about rumors! Then I left, but we made sure I knew how to contact him if necessary.

Next day I visited some of the more noble places of your former governor post. It is a beautiful city, really, but I miss our hometown even more because of this. I couldn't investigate too openly, because the was likely watched closely, if not from the rebels themselves, than certainly from the Duke and his guards.Speaking of the Duke: I once saw our former Queen! Sophita was accompanied by some of the Dukedom's ministers. As in most nations they are warriors as well, but due to your briefings I know that they are neither very powerful nor have they actual power. It was a sight that let my heart leap... It hurts that I can't show her that I am here, because it would endanger my mission.
I will continue with it, however, and tell you about everything that reveals to me in the next letter. My heart and mind is with our faction.

I hope to see you in old shape, my friend.



Lord Vader was sure that he made no mistake, but it that doesn't matter anyway, because in this dark alley it was only important who would be alive at the end. He was observing the house that hid supposedly the rebels, who came from Falena some time ago. He was able to discover, where the alliances lied and knew which members of the Dukedom members were involved in this conspiracy. Well, obviously he had been observed as well. This was the reason why suddenly five men encountered him with drawn swords at this place. their investigation, on the other hand, seemed not to be very good, because in fact there were only these five men. If they had realised who he was, they would not dared to attack him openly or at least not in so little numbers.
The former High Commander smiled and drew his own sword. Three of his opponents were in front of and two behind him. He didn't need to look around, because they were so loud that he didn't worry about their movements. He waited silently. He wouldn't underestimate them, though, because even a lousy enemy could be one too much. The leader of the group threatened him and showed again that they were nothing but amateurs, because he would have made it possible to interrogate the man if he were the one with the authority.
The boss, however, yelled a commando and the men next to him ran towards Lord Vader. Instead of attacking those two, he stepped back as fast as possible, spinned around and was therefore able to reach the man on the left behind him. He cut him through his face and was beyond this man only a second later. He pushed the the blinded and crying man towards the two approaching. This stopped them long enough to decapitate the man on the right, who was too shocked to react.Now Vader started his real attack and opened one man the throat and the other one the belly in one smooth movement and stopped in front of the now lonely leader. Braveless as he was, he tried to flee, but Vader was faster and the man took his last breath. Finally he was able to take care of the last thief, whose cries could be heard widely. Silence followed...Lord Vader put his sword away and wandered away from this place.



Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

577 Posts
Karma: +0/-1
First thing that stands out; change Lord Vader's name. Everyone in America who reads this is going to be confused because Star Wars is going to jump to mind.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
35 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
First thing that stands out; change Lord Vader's name. Everyone in America who reads this is going to be confused because Star Wars is going to jump to mind.

Incredible... I deleted my explanation here as well or maybe forgot about it entirely. Sorry, it was kind of late yesterday. As an explanation, like in my other thread, the names of the people in that "story" are member names of a forum. Lord Vader was the moderator of one usergroup, but stepped down because of personal reasons. I simply created a story about this incident for the usergroup ^^ I know what you mean with the name, but that is how he called himself, hence I didn't change anything back then or now.


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Nameless (Eden) is a Regular who has made 35 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 03:48pm Tue, Jul 27, 2010. Eden was invited by no one.

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